Brothers in Dissonance

The characters of Sugriva and Vali needs to be studied in detail to understand Rama’s behavior towards Vali. When Kabandha describes Sugriva it is full of praise.
The words he uses are Your mission to find Seetha is impossible if you do not befriend Sugriva [3-72-10]; (3-72-12 to14)Self-respectful

Kausalya the Miser

Valmiki goes to extreme extend of charactering a person. Sometimes just 1
word is only available to show ones character. Unless one is hyper alert it will be missed. Kausalya being a miser is one such.

Outsmarting Valmiki?

Many Upanyasakars (Preachers) try to make the story more Valuable by adding from outside Valmiki Ramayana. The Listener’s are not much worried as they enjoy it any way without application of mind. It is also not good manners to criticize the Preacher by finding faults. As In Bhakthi Marga (Cult) all are acceptable under one word of devotion. A person using his intellect is looked down upon. As Bhakthi is accepted as Blind. Now see what happens.

Casteism in Ramayana

Following article is from
Essay series by Sri.Bannanje Govindacharya

This part of the story is from Uttarakanda. Hence not under the preview of Valmiki Ramayana. The only reason this has been added here is that blogger is acquiescent with this form of discussion and logic.
A lot of intellectuals are mad at Valmiki. This is their complaint: A story where a Brahmin boy is saved by killing a shudra doing penance!?

Rama a Vegetarian Faddist?

Vegetarianism is great fad in India. Especially with reference to religion. Ramayana being a great religious book its treatment of vegetarianism is of great blogging brawl. Everybody wants to see his version anything opposite is stiffly contested with no hold barred. This post tries to approach this subject with unwavering straight forwardness taking Valmiki Ramayana as Guide. All misrepresentations in some major blogs are also pointed out and discussed.

Rama Encounter 1 (Tataka)

This is a part of series of posts that highlights Rama Character and Expertise as enunciates in Ayodya kanda Sarga 1.

First fight that Rama encounters is with Tataka. Bala Kanda sarga 24. Here the conversation with Vishwamitra shows Rama’s Character traits. And unfortunately for Rama his first victim happens to be Woman. He immediately questions Vishwamitra as to the cause of such strength in Tataka. Vishwamitra gives him the detailed story of Tataka.

Dharma vs Faith (Duty or blind Faith)

Ramayana and Mahabharata are stories which create situations where justice is in crisis. Two conflicting Dharma (धर्मसंकट Daharmasankat = Crisis of justice) make ones decision to act difficult.

Financial Wizard Rama Ensnared?

During discussing with Maareecha Ravana says clearly 3-40-18 सौवर्णः त्वम् मृगो भूत्वा चित्रो रजत बिन्दुभिः ||
आश्रमे तस्य रामस्य सीतायाः प्रमुखे चर |
प्रलोभयित्वा वैदेहीम् यथा इष्टम् गन्तुम् अर्हसि ||
On becoming an amazing silver-potted golden deer you move in front of Seetha in the hermitage of Rama, and on verily alluring Vaidehi you can go away as you like.
Make yourself an amazing deer seeing which 3-40-19 त्वाम् हि माया मयम् दृष्ट्वा कांचनम् जात विस्मया |
आनय एनम् इति क्षिप्रम् रामम् वक्ष्यति मैथिली ||
On seeing you as a wholly illusory golden deer curiosity arises in Vaidehi, and indeed she tells Rama, 'bring that one quickly
Seetha will ask Rama to get it. Take Rama away from the hermitage 3-40-20 अपक्रान्ते च काकुत्स्थे दूरम् च यात्वा अपि उदाहर |
हा सीते लक्ष्मणे इति एवम् राम वाक्य अनुरूपकम् ||
Further, on Rama's coming out of his hermitage you go distantly and blurt out in this way, 'ha Seetha' and even as, 'ha, Lakshmana,' mimicking Rama's voice.
and shout “Ha Lakshmana” “Ha Seetha” in Rama’s voice. So the Plan is very clear.

Ramayana Novel?

Many readers who read western books such as Arthur Haily's etc. will be surprised as to how Ramayana is written. In the Hailiy’s books the reader jumps from various situations and characters who meet almost at the end in a climax like situation. But In Ramayana The reader is always travelling with a character.

Seetha Defiled

Link to Ramayana Aranyakanda sarga 43.
We seem to explain every action of Rama and justify it by tainting others character. Typical Indian Nature (We insult others to show us in high moral ground). If Rama is a hero he should stand scrutiny, based on his actions. If it is inexplicable then so it is. But our Upanyasakars (preachers) take the easy way out by changing the story slightly.

Why Sugriva not Vali?

In order to understand Vali Vadh we need to get all our data clear. The first person who introduces Vali and Sugriva to Rama is Kabandha.

Dharma Damned in Ramayana?

Here are some collections. In all the slokas below various characters in Ramayana deride Dharma as a useless tool