Many Upanyasakars (Preachers) try to make the story more Valuable by adding from outside Valmiki Ramayana. The Listener’s are not much worried as they enjoy it any way without application of mind. It is also not good manners to criticize the Preacher by finding faults. As In Bhakthi Marga (Cult) all are acceptable under one word of devotion. A person using his intellect is looked down upon. As Bhakthi is accepted as Blind. Now see what happens.Hanuman when coming from Lanka is appreciated for informing the Vanaras ( Monkeys) “Saw Seetha” (In Tamil Kanden Seethayai) The Sloka is 5-57-16 स तम् देशमनुप्राप्तः सुहृद्दर्शनलालसः ||
ननाद हरिशार्दूलो लाङ्गूलम् चाप्यकम्पयत् |
Having reached that place, Hanuman who was ardently desirous of seeing his friends, roared and waved his tail.says hanuman (ननाद हरिशार्दूलो) Roared. The Roaring was interpreted as mission successful by Jambhavan 5-57-23 सर्वथा कृत कार्यो असौ हनूमान् न अत्र संशयः ||
न हि अस्य अकृत कार्यस्य नाद एवम् विधो भवेत् |
परिमृष्टो दश अन्तेन दश आभागेन सेव्यते ||
This Hanuman has accomplished his assignment in all ways. His sound will not indeed be like this, if he has not fulfilled his task. There is not doubt in this matter.. On landing Hanuman Paid respects to Jambhavan and prince Angada 5-57-34 हनूमान् तु गुरून् वृद्धान् जाम्बवत् प्रमुखान् तदा ||
कुमारम् अन्गदम् चैव सो अवन्दत महाकपिः |
Then, Hanuman the excellent one among the monkeys, on his part, offered his salutation to venerable persons and elders like Jambhavan in the first place, as also Angada, the prince.. In Sloka 5-57-35 स ताभ्याम् पूजितः पूज्यः कपिभिः च प्रसादितः ||
दृष्टा देवी इति विक्रान्तः संक्षेपेण न्यवेदयत् |
Jambhavan and Angada honored that victorious and venerable Hanuman. The other monkeys also made him gracious. Hanuman informed them briefly that he had seen Seetha. he said in brief (दृष्टा देवी) that he had seen Seetha. So the statement saw Seetha was what he is supposed to have said while coming is not correct. Now this error is compounded by many others who want to be wiser. They said “saw Seetha” was made to Monkeys only and that when hanuman met Rama he said “Seetha is chaste” as the first statement. This is also wrong. See what happens. The information about the success of the mission comes much earlier. And then when Hanuman meets Rama and Lakshmana informs 5-64-36 हनूमान् च महाबहुः प्रणम्य शिरसा ततः ||
नियताम् अक्षताम् देवीम् राघवाय न्यवेदयत् |
Thereafter, the mighty armed Hanuman, offering his salutation in bending his head low, informed Rama that Seetha the princess is constant in devotion to Rama and sound in body.that Seetha is in constant devotion of Rama. And what is nectar (sweet अमृतोपमम् ) to the ears of Rama is the message that Seetha was found 5-64-37 दृष्टा देवीति हनुमद्वदनादमृतोपमम् ||
आकर्ण्य वचनम् रामो हर्षमाप सलक्ष्मणः |
Hearing the nectar-like words, saying "Seetha was found" from the mouth of Hanuman, Rama and Lakshmana felt happy."from the mouth of Hanuman". That Seetha if alive will be chaste is known to Rama he need not have confirmation from monkey. Over emphasizing the chastity of Seetha only spoils the story as if Rama had doubted it. Valmiki has no such qualms. Thus the Preachers are pulling down the quality of story by not understanding the finer nuances of Ramayana as written by Valmiki.
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All Sloka Translations are from the site Valmiki Ramayana
ननाद हरिशार्दूलो लाङ्गूलम् चाप्यकम्पयत् |
Having reached that place, Hanuman who was ardently desirous of seeing his friends, roared and waved his tail.says hanuman (ननाद हरिशार्दूलो) Roared. The Roaring was interpreted as mission successful by Jambhavan 5-57-23 सर्वथा कृत कार्यो असौ हनूमान् न अत्र संशयः ||
न हि अस्य अकृत कार्यस्य नाद एवम् विधो भवेत् |
परिमृष्टो दश अन्तेन दश आभागेन सेव्यते ||
This Hanuman has accomplished his assignment in all ways. His sound will not indeed be like this, if he has not fulfilled his task. There is not doubt in this matter.. On landing Hanuman Paid respects to Jambhavan and prince Angada 5-57-34 हनूमान् तु गुरून् वृद्धान् जाम्बवत् प्रमुखान् तदा ||
कुमारम् अन्गदम् चैव सो अवन्दत महाकपिः |
Then, Hanuman the excellent one among the monkeys, on his part, offered his salutation to venerable persons and elders like Jambhavan in the first place, as also Angada, the prince.. In Sloka 5-57-35 स ताभ्याम् पूजितः पूज्यः कपिभिः च प्रसादितः ||
दृष्टा देवी इति विक्रान्तः संक्षेपेण न्यवेदयत् |
Jambhavan and Angada honored that victorious and venerable Hanuman. The other monkeys also made him gracious. Hanuman informed them briefly that he had seen Seetha. he said in brief (दृष्टा देवी) that he had seen Seetha. So the statement saw Seetha was what he is supposed to have said while coming is not correct. Now this error is compounded by many others who want to be wiser. They said “saw Seetha” was made to Monkeys only and that when hanuman met Rama he said “Seetha is chaste” as the first statement. This is also wrong. See what happens. The information about the success of the mission comes much earlier. And then when Hanuman meets Rama and Lakshmana informs 5-64-36 हनूमान् च महाबहुः प्रणम्य शिरसा ततः ||
नियताम् अक्षताम् देवीम् राघवाय न्यवेदयत् |
Thereafter, the mighty armed Hanuman, offering his salutation in bending his head low, informed Rama that Seetha the princess is constant in devotion to Rama and sound in body.that Seetha is in constant devotion of Rama. And what is nectar (sweet अमृतोपमम् ) to the ears of Rama is the message that Seetha was found 5-64-37 दृष्टा देवीति हनुमद्वदनादमृतोपमम् ||
आकर्ण्य वचनम् रामो हर्षमाप सलक्ष्मणः |
Hearing the nectar-like words, saying "Seetha was found" from the mouth of Hanuman, Rama and Lakshmana felt happy."from the mouth of Hanuman". That Seetha if alive will be chaste is known to Rama he need not have confirmation from monkey. Over emphasizing the chastity of Seetha only spoils the story as if Rama had doubted it. Valmiki has no such qualms. Thus the Preachers are pulling down the quality of story by not understanding the finer nuances of Ramayana as written by Valmiki.
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All Sloka Translations are from the site Valmiki Ramayana
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