Ethical & Moral Issues in Kishkinda Kanda

Entire Kishkinda Kanda is reserved for Vali Vadh. Infact Vali Vadh is a divisionary tactic and does not come in the course of the story. As advised by Kabandha, Rama enters into friendship bond with Sugriva and slays Vali. There are many moral and ethical issues that seems to be challenging. The author covers all issues but leaves it to the readers to break the puzzle and understand. It seems the author has everything loaded against the action of Rama. If so why would he do it. It is one thing to overlook some ethical aspect and write the story. But it is another thing to point out everything against an action and still make the hero (of Ramayana) do it. Many people who approach Vali Vadh are not aware of the finer nuances. Just look at following points.


Vali is not any criminal. Kabhandha uses the phrase angry Vali 3-72-11श्रूयताम् राम वक्ष्यामि सुग्रीवो नाम वानरः |
भ्रात्रा निरस्तः क्रुद्धेन वालिना शक्र सूनुना ||
Oh, Rama, listen what I tell... a vanara is there by name Sugreeva, who is vengefully reneged by his brother Vali, the son of Indra.
not Bad..


The story that Sugriva says clearly that Sugriva had misjudged the situation and countermanded the instruction of Vali. The punishment that he recd. was only banishment.


Sugriva did not ask for slaying of Vali. 4-5-30 तव प्रसादेन नृसिंह वीर प्रियाम् च राज्यम् च समाप्नुयाम् अहम् |
तथा कुरु त्वम् नर देव वैरिणम् यथा न हिंस्यत् स पुनर् मम अग्रजम् ||
By your grace, oh, lion among men, let me regain my wife and kingdom too... oh,god of humans, as to how he does not suffer me again, thus you may please make happen...let not my elder brother turned as an enemy of mine suffer me again...
Instead asks that do whatever you may deem it fit so that I am not troubled by my Brother. By this time Rama has already promised to Sugriva in sloka 4-5-25
उपकार फलम् मित्रम् विदितम् मे महाकपे ||४-५-२५
वालिनम् तम् वधिष्यामि तव भार्य अपहारिणम्|
A friend is the resultant factor of helpfulness... that I know... oh, great monkey I intend eliminate that Vali, the abductor of your wife...
itself, that he will eliminate Vali. Why?


In sloka 4-5-30 तव प्रसादेन नृसिंह वीर प्रियाम् च राज्यम् च समाप्नुयाम् अहम् |
तथा कुरु त्वम् नर देव वैरिणम् यथा न हिंस्यत् स पुनर् मम अग्रजम् ||
By your grace, oh, lion among men, let me regain my wife and kingdom too... oh,god of humans, as to how he does not suffer me again, thus you may please make happen...let not my elder brother turned as an enemy of mine suffer me again...
Sugriva wishes to regain his wife and Kingdom. The word used is regained. When did Sugriva lawfully own it. When did it become his kingdom


Both Rama and Sugriva are said to be in same position due to separation of Wife. But Sugriva himself says, I did not despair like this for my wife 4-7-6 मया अपि व्यसनम् प्राप्तम् भार्या विरहजम् महत् |
न अहम् एवम् हि शोचामि धैर्यम् न च परित्यजे ||
Upon me too this yearning caused by the separation of wife has chanced, but I did not despair this way, nor I have forsaken my courage...
. That being the case then what for is Vali Sinful. And why should he be sentenced to death


In 4-8-3शक्यम् खलु भवेत् राम सहायेन त्वया अनघ |
सुर राज्यम् अपि प्राप्तुम् स्व राज्यम् किमुत प्रभो ||
Oh, merited one, with your help it will be possible to achieve kingdom of gods,oh, lord, then why tell about one's own kingdom...
Sugriva says with the help of Rama “getting my kingdom is sure”. When did it become (his) Kingdom?


Rama promises death to Vali but very late 4-8-41श्रुत्वा एतत् च वचः रामः सुग्रीवम् इदम् अब्रवीत् |
किम् निमित्तम् अभूत् वैरम् श्रोतुम् इच्छामि तत्त्वतः ||
Hearing all that is spoken by Sugreeva, Rama asked, "What for chanced the enmity? I am interested to listen, in its reality.
asks the reason for enmity between Vali and Sugriva. So what could be the reason that Rama passes death sentence to Vali?


Then depending upon the cause of enmity Ram said he will decide on the method of disposition 4-8-42सुखम् हि कारणम् श्रुत्वा वैरस्य तव वानर |
आनन्तर्यद् विधास्यामि संप्रधार्य बलाबलम् ||
On knowing the cause of your enmity, oh, monkey, and after a proper thought, and deciding upon the strength and weakness of the cause of enmity, or of the enmity itself, I will do the needful very easily.


Vali made Sugriva swear that he will not move from the Hole where he was going to chase Maayaavi


4-11-3 वालिनः पौरुषम् यत् तद् यत् च वीर्यम् धृतिः च या |
तन् मम एक मनाः श्रुत्वा विधत्स्व यद् अनन्तरम् ||
That which is impetuousness of Vali, that which is his bravery and courageousness are there, they may be listened from me single-mindedly, and later you impose that which need be imposed
Sugriva requests Rama to know about the valiant Vali and then decide on the method of disposal.


Dundubhi says Killing drunken one, unvigilant one, defeated one, or one without weapons, or an atrophied one, gets the sin of feticide. Exactly what Rama did by killing a non vigilant Weaponless Vali.


Sugriva asks Rama, how it is possible to eliminate Vali in War? 4-11-68 एतत् अस्य असमम् वीर्यम् मया राम प्रकाशितम् |
कथम् तम् वालिनम् हन्तुम् समरे शक्ष्यसे नृप ||
Oh, Rama, I am apprising all this to tell about the unequalled vitality of Vali, and oh, king, then how is it possible for you to eliminate Vali in war." Thus Sugreeva enquired with Rama.
So strategy is yet not set.


When Tara warns Vali about Rama, Vali clearly says Rama will not sin by killing him when he is fighting with Sugriva 4-16-5 न च कार्यो विषादः ते राघवम् प्रति मत् कृते |
धर्मज्ञः च कृतज्ञः च कथम् पापम् करिष्यति||
Also, you need not bother about Raghava's doing some harm to me, as I wonder how a diligent man and knower of virtue can commit sin.

These are all ethical issues highlighted by Valmiki in Kishkinda Kanda. And then the killing of Vali ensues!!!
But before going further let us know what is Ethics & Morals.

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All Sloka Translations are from the site Valmiki Ramayana


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