In order to understand Vali Vadh we need to get all our data clear. The first person who introduces Vali and Sugriva to Rama is Kabandha. Let us see what he says (or what and all he says). Kabandha when incinerated turns into celestial body 3-72-4स विधूय चिताम् आशु विधूमो अग्निर् इव उत्थितः |
अरजे वाससी बिभ्रत् मालाम् दिव्याम् महाबलः ||
In a trice that highly dynamic Kabandha zoomed up shoving off that pyre, and he is now attired in lily-white vestments and angelic garlands,and appeared like a fumeless fire..Immediately, he advices Rama as to how he should overcome his misfortune. First he says people who are in difficulties can easily join together in solving their problems 3-72-7b,8 शृणु राघव तत्त्वेन यथा सीमाम् अवाप्स्यसि || ३-७२-७
राम षड् युक्तयो लोके याभिः सर्वम् विमृश्यते |
परिमृष्टो दश अन्तेन दश आभागेन सेव्यते || ३-७२-८
Oh, Raghava, how you will regain Seetha,that you listen from me in its essence.
oh, Rama, by which and which analyses everything will be analysed,six of such ideations are available in this world.and when a person is touched down by a spell of nemeses, he shall adore one who is equally in such spell of nemesis....You cannot solve your problem by another method 3-72-10तत् अवश्यम् त्वया कार्यः स सुहृत् सुहृदाम् वर |
अकृत्वा न हि ते सिद्धिम् अहम् पश्यामि चिन्तयन् ||
Oh, best among kind-hearted ones,thereby you have to certainly befriend such a soul in similar dire straits...however deeply I may think,I am not able to perceive your accomplishment if you do not befriended with such a soul.So clearly he says if you do not befriend Sugriva you will not be able to solve your problem. Then he introduces Sugriva and Vali and says Sugriva has been (निरस्तः क्रुद्धेन) outcast derisively. Note there is no derogatory reference to Vali. Then Sugriva has qualities required immediately to solve your problem What are they? They are as follows. Sugriva is a masterful one among vanaras, highly mettlesome, self-resplendent, and illimitable is his self-radiance... and he is also truth-bound and culture-bound... a mastermind, master-hand and a taskmaster...3-72-13वानरेन्द्रो महावीर्यः तेजोवान् अमित प्रभः |
सत्य संधो विनीतः च धृतिमान् मतिमान् महान् ||
He that Sugreeva is a masterfulone among vanara-s, highly mettlesome,self-resplendent,and illimitable is his self-radiance...and he is also truth-bound and culture-bound...a mastermind, master-hand and a taskmaster...
.What stands out is reliable, efficient and Expert( see also 3-72-14दक्षः प्रगल्भो द्युतिमान् महा बल पराक्रमः |
भ्राता विवासितो वीर राज्य हेतो महात्मना ||
He is a capable adventurer, a courageous exploiter and incomparable one in intrepidity and a brave one in incursions, and his personality will be coruscating ever and anon, for he is the son of Sun-god... but he is banished by his self-conceited brother owing to the reasons of kingdom...
). None of these qualities can be attributed to Vali. Hence Rama is commanded to go to Sugriva immediately. And advised, to enter into a friendship bond with Sugriva. Then most important Do not underestimate this monkey 3-72-18b,19न च ते सो अवमन्तव्यः सुग्रीवो वानर अधिपः || ३-७२-१८
कृतज्ञः काम रूपी च सहाय अर्थी च वीर्यवान् |
You shall not look down on that lord of monkeys taking him as a lowly simian, why because that Sugreeva is a valiant one, a guise changing wizard and presently he is in the need of a bolsterer, and if you render help he will be obligated to you for ever..Then he says how to find Sugriva and how search for Seetha has to be launched
So the instructions are very clear and Rama just implicitly follows it.
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All Sloka Translations are from the site Valmiki Ramayana
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