With Respect to Vali?

Many find it easy to cast Vali as a villain, and explain killing him.

The idea of Rama shooting from behind is a bit difficult to explain. But that he is a villain and deserves punishment is accepted and not questioned. The only version of Vail’s villainy is as projected by Sugriva. The Discourse that Vali has with Tara makes it very clear that Vali is reasonable and does not wish to kill Sugriva 4-12-11तम् अद्य एव प्रियार्थम् मे वैरिणम् भ्रातृ रूपिणम् |
वालिनम् जहि काकुत्स्थ मया बद्धो अयम् अंजलिः ||
"Oh, Rama, today itself you eliminate that enemy of mine in a brother's semblance for my happiness, for which I adjoin my palms in supplication." Thus Sugreeva requested Rama.
. Vali character as projected by Sugriva shows that he is strict and tough. That being the case, Sugriva closing the cave on assumed death of Vali is an unpardonable decision. To make the matter clearer the story goes as follows. When Maayaavi challenged Vali He immediately rushed to meet him. Though Sugriva and others pleaded him to desist Vali spurned all of them away and forged ahead 4-9-8स तु निर्धूय सर्वान् नो निर्जगाम महाबलः |
ततः अहम् अपि सौहार्दान् निःसृतः वालिना सह ||
But Vali spurned all of us away and forged ahead, and then I also have started to go along with Vali in all my predisposition.
. Sugriva also follows him against instructions. Now when Maayaavi runs into a crater and disappears Sugriva is instructed to stand guard on the entrance. It is here that Sugriva makes the mistake of closing the hole for whatever reason that may seem to him to be right. For this he is only banished 4-8-32 पुरा अहम् वलिना राम राज्यात् स्वात् अवरोपितः |
परुषाणि च संश्राव्य निर्धूतो अस्मि बलीयसा ||
Earlier he that forceful Vali deposed me from my kingdom, oh Rama, and speaking harsh words he even banished me.
from kingdom by Vali. So Vali is not criminal or Villain who needs to be killed. Rama must have known this that is why when Rama and Lakshmana approach him when lying with mortal wound they approach him with respect 4-17-12b,13तम् तथा पतितम् वीरम् गत अर्चिष्मतम् इव अनलम् || ४-१७-१२
बहुमान्य च तम् वीरम् वीक्षमाणम् शनैरिव |
उपयातौ महावीर्यौ भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ || ४-१७-१३
On seeing the brave Vali fallen like that,who by now is like fire with extinguishedtongues of flames, and who is seeing droopily,those two valiant brothers, Rama and Lakshmana,neared him with due honour.
. This respect shows that Vali is not one to be despised but respected and only by quirk of fate happens to be at the receiving end of Rama’s arrow.

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All Sloka Translations are from the site Valmiki Ramayana


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